Nothing to improve on - very interactive session. Good to connect with other colleagues across the system who may be able to support each other with practical actions and networks. It brought the subject to life and underlined how it affects us all with humour and lots of lovely examples.
Mike was incredibly engaging and made the session informative, interesting and interactive. The 2 hours flew by! Will recommend to colleagues. Found the teach back info especially useful.
Mike is very engaging as a presenter and clearly passionate about improving services in relation to literacy.
This was an excellent introduction to Health Literacy in action. It is so much more than producing 'easy read' information. I would recommend this session to everyone who has any interaction with patients.
The interaction & allowing people to share their experience was particularly beneficial. The equation was a really good way of bringing to life how seeing something complex can send people into panic.
Brilliant that it’s on teams as helps with access (I wouldn't have been able to attend today f2f). Presentation and slides are really clear, and it’s good that they are accessible afterwards.
This was one of the best training training sessions I have taken in ages - there was a great amount of interaction, people's experiences were shared and listened to and it was incredibly informative.
Feedback from Health Literacy Awareness sessions for the health and care system across Derbyshire